Twinfinite Staff
Eremites are akin to Treasure Hunters in how they fight, seeking to gang up on players and use superior numbers to overpower them. The Faded Red Silk, Trimmer Red Silk, and Rich Red Brocade will all drop at different levels. The exact levels are shown below:
Faded Red Silk – any Eremite levelTrimmed Red Silk – Level 40+ EremitesRich Red Brocade – Level 60+ Eremites
The different types of Eremites are as follows:
Eremite Axe VanguardEremite CrossbowEremite Ravenbeak HalberdierEremite LinebreakerEremite Sword-DancerEremite Desert ClearwaterEremite SunfrostEremite Daythunder
What are Faded Red Silk, Trimmed Red Silk, and Rich Red Brocade used for?
These materials are needed to upgrade weapons like the Sapwood Blade, Forest Regalia, and Hunter’ Path. It is also thought that they will be required to ascend Dori, an upcoming character.
Where to find Eremites in Genshin Impact
A – South of Mawtiyima Forest
Directly south of the Mawtiyima Forest and southeast of the Palace of Alcazarzaray, players will find lots of Eremites hiding out in this area of the jungle.
B – South of Vanara
All along the southern border of the mythical Vanara area, the Eremites gather, hoping to learn the secrets of the strange creatures who live there.
C – South of Yasna Monument
Directly south of Yasna Monument, in the foothills of the mountains there, players will find several Eremite camps. For players who are getting to grips with the Dendro element, this guide to all Dendro reactions will prove useful. We also have guides covering the best builds for Collei and the best builds for Tighnari.