Zhiqing Wan
Getting Ghiza’s Wheel in Elden Ring
Getting the awesome-looking Ghiza’s Wheel weapon will require you to reach the Volcano Manor in Mt. Gelmir, and you can get there by starting Rya’s quest in Liurnia of the Lakes, or progress through the game naturally and climb the mountain.
Ghiza’s Wheel Stat Requirements
A clear throwback to the Whirligig Saw from Bloodborne, Ghiza’s Wheel is a strength-based weapon with stat requirements of 28 Str and 18 Dex. And just like the Whirligig Saw, it comes with the Spinning Wheel weapon art that lets you utilize the blades on the wheel itself to attack your opponents. It causes major Bleed build-up as well, making this a very handy weapon for strength builds especially considering how powerful Bleed is in this game. That’s all you need to know about how to get Ghiza’s Wheel in Elden Ring. Be sure to check our guide wiki for more tips and information on the game.
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