Pierre Gauthier, a computer engineer who started to code 37 years ago and managed to set up his own company 18 years ago. Pierre Gauthier applied for a director of engineering post at Google. However, he failed to crack the interview. After failing to deliver the “right answers” to the Google recruiter. Pierre Gauthier decided to create a Gwan.com blog post to share all the challenging questions along with his answers and his views regarding the whole process. Peter Gauthier was asked 10 question in the interview by Google recruiter. Peter Gauthier just managed to answer the first four questions correctly, it was all downhill from there. The fifth question he answered was the first one he got wrong and here is the whole conversation of the fifth question While answering the questions, he soon found himself arguing his answers with the recruiter, and by the ninth question, he frustratedly asked: “What’s the point of this test?”. Well, here are the 10 Google interview questions asked by the recruiter: He cracked a joke at the end of his blog post at Gwan.com “My score is four on ten, that’s better than my best Google Pagerank** ever!”. You can find out the full details and the answers given by Peter Gauthier in Gwan.com 2. What Unix function lets a socket receive connections? 3. How many bytes are necessary to store a MAC address? 4. Sort the time taken by: CPU register read, disk seek, context switch, system memory read. 5. What is a Linux inode? 6. What Linux function takes a path and returns an inode? 7. What is the name of the KILL signal? 8. Why Quicksort is the best sorting method? 9. There’s an array of 10,000 16-bit values, how do you count the bits most efficiently? 10. What is the type of the packets exchanged to establish a TCP connection?